Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Cedars Produce Co-op!

Welcome to the Cedars Produce Co-op! We are so excited to finally have everything set up and ready to go. Our first delivery will be on Thursday, September 4. Below are the procedures of the co-op (written by Paige Beal).

The Cedars Produce Co-operative Procedures
Welcome to our neighborhood produce co-operative! You will find that being in this co-op allows you to benefit from great fresh produce at a great price. Following are some of the procedures you will need to understand as you join this co-op, so please read this carefully and make sure that you understand everything. Because this is a non-profit venture, and everyone is expected to contribute, you must be willing to do your part to help things run smoothly. Failure to do so will result in your being asked to leave the co-op. Thanks!

Each member agrees to pay a $50.00 deposit when joining the co-op. $15.00 of this money will be used to buy laundry baskets for sorting produce. The other $35.00 will be kept as a deposit in case you fail to pay. If you decide to leave the co-op, this money will be used as the payment on your last order.

Produce will be delivered every other Thursday. The head of the co-op will receive a call about 45 minutes before the truck arrives. A telephone tree will be put in place in order to call everyone and let them know when the produce will be ready. Unless other arrangements are made, you MUST be available by phone on Thursday mornings, and you must be able to call the people below you on the list.

Every co-op week, 3-4 people will be assigned to sort produce. When it is your turn to sort, you need to be at the designated location at the time the truck arrives. It will take about 45 minutes to divide the produce among the 24 baskets.

When you are not sorting, you will be notified of the pickup time. You must be there on time to pick up your produce. When you arrive to pick up your produce, you CANNOT take it until you have paid. There will be a file box with a section for each person, and you must leave your check or cash in the box before leaving. If you are unable to pick up your basket, YOU must arrange for someone else to get it for you, and to pay for you.

If you do not arrive on time to pick up your basket, your basket will be left outside at the designated location. Your deposit will be used to pay for that basket, and you will have 2 days to get a new deposit paid, or you will be replaced in the co-op. The co-op assumes no responsibility for any produce that goes bad from being left out when not picked up.

If you are unable to get your produce one week (i.e., you’re out of town), it is your responsibility to find someone else to pick up and pay for your basket for you. If you do not find someone to take your produce, it will be donated and your deposit will be used to pay for your order. Again, you will need to re-pay your deposit in order to keep your place in the group.

If you decide you no longer want to be in the co-op, you must give 3 weeks notice. If there is a waiting list, then someone from the waiting list will be allowed to take your place. If there is not a waiting list, you need to help find someone to replace you in the co-op.

If there are items in an order that you do not want, you may trade with someone in the co-op. However, you must make the arrangements for the trade yourself, and not expect the sorters to trade items in different baskets.

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